The Jurassic Bark Hungry and Homeless Project
During the Summer of 2011 while adoptions were way down, we felt like we were not doing enough.
Our rescue was full and we weren't able to take in any more dogs.
So we had an idea.........
We had been seeing Homeless people living on the streets with their
Companion animals.
These are people who would rather sleep outside than be separated from their pets. Homeless shelters in Houston do not accept animals.We knew we couldn't really do much for the homeless people, we don't have nearly enough resources, but the pets...that we can do something about.
Misty Blue and Ginger in their new winter coats !
We began going out twice a week driving around town and passing out dog food and treats to the Homeless in our community with pets. Then we asked all of our FaceBook friends and fans to start looking for these people an posting us as to their locations, this way we could get a really big list and we could maximize our time. So far this is is working really well. We have regulars that we see each week and have gotten to know a group of men in a Tent City.
When Thanksgiving 2011 rolled around and we found out the guys at Tent City had no where to go we organized a HUGE Thanksgiving FEAST.
With the help of some of Jurassic Barks' best friends we were able to do Turkey with all the Fixin's plus some generous donations of clothing and other necessities.
We now have a size-able stockpile of dog and cat food and a list as long as Santa's, so each night we can deliver to someone in town .

Please follow us on FaceBook
for the latest news on the Hungry and Homelsee Project.
We are out every day and two/three nights a week.
And recently SPARK ENERGY donated the funds for a
GENERATOR so the homeless men at tent city
could have heat and air !!!!!
Hungry and Homeless deliveries, these 2 men were Vietnam Vets, we hit Jack in the Box and handed out food, bedding and clothing.
Tent City 2.0, that's what we call it. This is downtown Houston folks.
Cashe and Whitie, 2 homeless dogs living withtheir Homeless Humans. Thanks to H.H. donations we were able to get Whitie spayed. No more puppies.
Check out the Interview from NRP!!
We were all over tonight.. under freeways.... by the Bayou, behind parks and Downtown. We found Men, Women and Dogs .. I really don't know how many people we talked to but I know only 1 asked for money for a room. Everyone else was so grateful for what ever we had. And we are so blessed to be able to do this... Thank you everyone
What is Project Ninja?